
Obama Fiddling (but in Martha's Vineyard) while Rome Burns
"If you're the president of the United States, and the nation is in crisis -- and we're in a jobs crisis right now -- then you shouldn't be out vacationing," the former Massachusetts governor said. "Instead you should be focusing on getting the economy going again. And, yeah, go back to the office yourself, pull back members of Congress and focus on getting the job done."
Oh, The One is working on his big speech to save us from His economy, but we'll have to wait until after Labor Day.
Donald Trump, appearing on Fox News earlier this week, complained, "the fact is, [Obama] takes more vacations than any human being I've ever seen."

"They used to complain about George Bush, but I understand he's already exceeded George Bush and we're not even through the year. ... I think it sends a very, very bad message," said Trump

White House press secretary Jay Carney doesn't think the public begrudges the president a break to recharge and spend time with his family.
Sure. What about Virginia Beach? The Jersey Shore? Someplace middle-class. Why is it always London, Spain, and Martha's Vineyard?
Carney also argued that the president is never really off-duty since White House advisers go with him, and he still receives regular briefings on national security, the economy and other matters.
Right. Even Bush wasn't off duty, says the Chicago Sun-Times:
But Mark Knoller of CBS, the unofficial and completly un-biased keeper of presidential work schedules, reported that President George W. Bush had taken more time off than Obama at this point in his first term.
Yup. Texas ranch and Camp David, not London, Spain, and Martha's Vineyard. Say hello to Big Jawn, willya? He's on vacation, too!
Posted by: Bobby 2011-08-18