
Rev. Jesse sharpshoots Bush
  • Interfaith leaders, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, called on President Bush Tuesday to do more to stop the escalating violence in Israel and send Secretary of State Colin Powell to the region as a mediator. "I'm rather convinced that our government is not the cause of the violence but has the power to stop it," Jackson said. "Our government is not a distant third party," Jackson stressed. "Our interests are too great in the region, and this time we must rise above the politics of choosing sides and rather must choose reconciliation."
    How predictable. I think Bush is well advised to let things play themselves out on the ground, while trying to block some of the diplopressure on the Israelis.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-04-02
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3284