
Mohammed Kadhafi escapes from rebels
Mohammed Kadhafi, a son of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, has escaped after having been arrested by rebels in Tripoli, a senior rebel source told AFP on Monday.

"Yes, it's truce, he has escaped," the source in the rebel capital of Benghazi, eastern Libya, said on condition of anonymity.
Brilliant, boys, brilliant...
Mohammed Kadhafi, Kadhafi's eldest son, and brother Seif al-Islam, who was regarded as the veteran leader's intended successor, were arrested on Sunday as rebels seized control of large swathes of Tripoli.

"Mohammed and Seif al-Islam are under the control of our revolutionaries and are in a safe hands," rebel leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil told a press conference in Benghazi earlier on Monday.

On Sunday night, Al-Jazeera was broadcasting a telephone interview with Mohammed Kadhafi from his Tripoli home when it was overrun by rebels. Panicked as gunshots rang out, he was heard praying on the line.

He is regarded as a leading businessman rather than a political figure in Kadhafi's regime.
Ah, a business-like thug...
Posted by: 2011-08-23