
Website claims Gaddafi in Harare
A UK- based website aligned to the MDC is reporting that ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is now a guest of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in Harare. The website quotes the MDC Veterans Activists Association as having have called on Zimbabweans to storm the house in the Gunhill suburb of Harare to effect a mass citizens' arrest.

Eyewitness reports say riot police have taken over Africa Unity Square in a strong show of force. It is unclear whether this is related to widespread rumours sweeping the capital about Gaddafi's presence.

The VAA claims Gaddafi staged a nocturnal entry into Zimbabwe aboard a Zimbabwe Air force jet that landed at Suri-Suri Airbase in Chegutu at 01:07am on Wednesday morning.

"He was quickly whisked to a sprawling mansion in Harare's Gunhill suburb under the cover of darkness with members of MDC VAA in a secret pursuit. We kept a hawk's eye on the house since Wednesday until this morning (Friday)," says their statement.

Observers here believe this is highly unlikely, as the military base is a no-go area and casual observers cannot possibly see what goes on there.

Furthermore, the VAA's statement that they saw "heavily armed female blonde body guards of Libyan origin patrolling around the house where the former despot is holed up" stretched the imagination a little too far.

The group, which claims to have video footage, has not yet released it. Our requests to VAA for further evidence have thus far gone unanswered. More later.
Posted by: Steve White 2011-08-27