
Suicide Bomber Apprehended in South Yemen
[Yemen Post] Tribesmen captured on Monday a jacket wallah in Yemen's southern province Abyan, two days after a suicide kaboom killed six soldiers and injured eight others at a military checkpoint between Abyan and Aden, Saba said.

The bomber tied an boom belt around his waist and he confessed to planning to blow himself up at a local market in the city of Lawder, one of the main strongholds of Al-Qaeda hard boys, the Yemeni news agency said.

"He was handed over to a military camp where the explosives were defused".

"He also disclosed that there were two other suicide bombers in the city," it added.

The army and tribal fighters supporting it started a search for the two bombers as Al-Qaeda has changed its tactics from open battles into suicide attacks in Abyan.

Al-Qaeda has recently received devastating blows during the continuous battles with the army supported by the local tribes in Abyan, and in response, its cut-throats carried out several suicide operations killing and injuring soldiers and pro-government tribal fighters.

The Interior Ministry said that 300 snuffies had been killed and their hideouts and weapon stores had been destroyed since the battles started in May after Abyan was declared as an Islamic emirate.

Late last week, a car laden with explosives was seized in Lawder that was defused safely.
Posted by: Fred 2011-09-07