
Iran and 9/11: Involved up to their eyeballs
It has taken nearly ten years, but the real story of Iran's direct, material involvement in the 9/11 conspiracy is finally coming to light. And it's being revealed not by the U.S. government or by Congressional investigators but by private attorneys representing families of the 9/11 victims in U.S. District Court.

Just one week before the 9/11 Commission sent its final report to the printers in July 2004, diligent staffers discovered a six-page classified National Security Agency analysis summarizing what the U.S. intelligence community had learned about Iran's assistance to the 9/11 hijackers.

They happened upon the document by chance. It had been tucked away at the bottom of the last box in the last stack of classified documents they were reviewing.
A typical bureaucrat's trick. "I put it in there; it's not my fault you were too busy/tired/lazy to look closely at every document."
But it was so explosive that several Commissioners pushed hard to make sure the information it contained was included in the final report, despite intense push back from the intelligence community.

The page and a half section that made the final cut details repeated trips to Iran by 8-10 of the "muscle" hijackers between October 2000 and February 2001. Flying in from Saudi Arabia, Damascus, and Beirut, the future hijackers were accompanied by "senior Hezbollah operatives" who were in fact agents of the Iranian regime.

The information was so explosive that the CIA lobbied hard to get it expunged from the final report, in part because they had detected some of the movements as they were occurring but failed to appreciate their import. "They saw them as travel through Iran, not travel to Iran," a senior 9/11 Commission staffer told me at the time.

By the time the staffers had read into the 75 source documents on a Sunday morning out at NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, MD, the Commission was pushing up against the end of its mandate and could not do any additional work. The information was so serious and had such clear geopolitical import that it "requires further investigation by the U.S. government," they concluded. Many of the Commissions and senior staff who were aware of the document find assumed someone else would pick up the ball.

But as attorney Thomas Mellon, Jr. and his colleagues representing Fiona Havlish and other 9/11 widows and family members discovered, no such investigation was ever carried out. Not even the Congressional intelligence committees would go near the subject, despite direct appeals from the Havlish plaintiffs and a review of many of the original still-classified documents cited in the report.
Chapter and verse at the link, with links. Very lawyerly, in the best sense. Iran is guilty as hell -- Sunni jihadi group Al Qaeda working hand in glove with the Shiite jihadi Mullahcracy of Iran. And not only did the CIA completely miss it, but they worked like frantic beavers on crack to cover up the results, so their miss wouldn't be noticed. It wasn't just their Bush-destroying National Intelligence Estimate saying Iran had given up the pursuit of nuclear weapons. General Petraeus has some serious work ahead of him, clearing out the the blind and the maleficent from his new organization.

Posted by: trailing wife 2011-09-10