
Mickey Kaus calls Kerry "a terrible candidate"
"I’ve always thought Kerry was a terrible candidate," [Slate.com Commentator Mickey] Kaus, a Democrat, said in an interview. "I think he is proving that ... now. Democrats are definitely panicking."
(from an interview in USA Today, quoted by the Republican National Committee)

I think this is more than just a startling outburst of clarity from a notable pop-left propaganda shill.

The extreme left; ANSWERist blackshirts, DUpers, Indymedia, Chomskyites, jihad collaborators, ad nauseum; have been gearing up to depose Kerry for some time.

Several weeks ago, an article in the moonbat element’s journal of record, the Village Voice, called for an open Democratic convention. DU, which had no compunction about purging Naderists, continues to tolerate other far-left attacks on Kerry ("Bush-lite" etc).

The far left’s blackshirt street-thug forces are making elaborate plans to disrupt the Democrat as well as the Republican conventions. As noted many times here, they are whipping themselves into a violent frenzy with increasingly strident and inflammatory rhetoric.

The 1968 Chicago convention riots have iconic status with the far left. The 1968 convention’s abject surrender in the face of a violent assault is a lesson not lost on today’s would-be revolutionaries.

What is going on here? The extreme leftists apparently believe that it is within their power to replace Kerry with a candidate who will adhere more openly to the pro-jihad totalitarian line, including unconditional surrender in Iraq and Afghanistan, abandonment of Israel, unconditional release of Saddam Hussein, handover of US sovereignty to the UN, Stalin-style kangaroo-court trials for Bush and others, and any number of the other treasonous crackpot demands that actually reflect a significant body of opinion among media and academic elites.

Bush has shown weakness by not cracking down on outright treason and by making concessions to PC tactics and hostile media propaganda in fighting the war.
The lords of the pop-left are smelling blood and they are likely to see this as their best opportunity in decades, but Kerry is in the way.

Needless to say, these are demonic forces and they must be defeated by any means necessary. Someone here is fond of saying "civil war in 10 years." I give it seven weeks.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2004-05-14