
Scourge of police health and safety appointed Scotland Yard head
A police chief who declared a "total war" on crime has vowed to restore faith in the crisis-hit Metropolitan Police after being given the job of running Britain's biggest force. Bernard Hogan-Howe, who has in the past railed against health and safety rules and soft sentencing, was yesterday appointed as the new commissioner at Scotland Yard.

The 53-year-old's appointment ends a two-month search to replace Sir Paul Stephenson who resigned during the phone hacking scandal in July.

Mr Hogan-Howe immediately signalled his hard line intent, saying he wanted to make the Metropolitan Police a force that criminals "fear" and the public "trust".

His first task will be to restore faith in the country's biggest force which is still reeling from criticism over its handling of the phone hacking investigation and the riots.

The Yorkshireman was selected ahead of three senior rivals who applied for the Scotland Yard job.

Mr Hogan-Howe is no stranger to the Metropolitan Police, having worked as an assistant commissioner at Scotland Yard under Sir John Stevens between 2001 and 2004.

But he made his name as chief constable of Merseyside Police where he introduced "total policing", describing it as a "total war on suspects and total victim care." While head of that force between 2004 and 2009 he cut crime by 30 per cent and anti social behaviour by a quarter. Crimes solved nearly doubled during his tenure.

He championed the rights of victims, suggesting that every victim of crime, no matter how minor, should be visited by a police officer.
Does he believe that crime victims have a right to defend themselves? With firearms if necessary?
Or at least with a poker in the parlour?
He was one of the first police officers to link the youth crime rate to the low cost of alcohol. And he called for a zero tolerance approach to knife crime, saying that anyone caught with a blade should expect a prison sentence.

The issues have all since become key priorities for the current Government and his success fits the Home Secretary's desire for a "single minded crime fighter" to lead the country's biggest force
Posted by: lotp 2011-09-13