
Gore's climate 'reality' campaign kicks off
People of earth...
WASHINGTON -- An Internet campaign spearheaded by former US vice president Al Gore to raise awareness about climate change began airing its day-long broadcast around the world on Thursday.

The project, called "24 Hours of Reality,"
So true for a very specific definition of reality...
features a multimedia presentation viewable online that showcases how extreme weather events like floods, fires and storms are linked to climate change.
I can almost hear "Flight of the Valkyries" in the background...
All in triple forte. Much more appropriate than "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana, which starts so quietly, building inexorably to overwhelming staccato sound. The possibility of anything other than shouting at the top of his lungs wouldn't suit The Goracle at all, poor man.
By 1300 GMT, the live-streamed broadcasts delivered in 13 languages, viewable at climaterealityproject.org, had drawn more than three million views, organizers said.
Wow. Three million out of a planetary population of six billion is a really, really small percentage. Perhaps they're going for the reverse snobbery demographic?
The hourly broadcasts are scheduled in various locations around the world, including Beijing, New Delhi, Jakarta, London, Dubai, Istanbul, Seoul and Rio de Janeiro.
Ah, the "Bludgeon The World Into Submission" strategy...
They might stop to watch in London, but for the rest of the list it's work, starve, or watch soap operas.
They also aim to reveal how money motivates those who deny that human-driven pollution is contributing to climate change..
As Joe would say...COUGH...COUGH...COUGH...
The accusation flung meets the accusation answered here. A bit wordier than Joe's elegant sufficiency, but the ability to compress so very many layers of meaning into a few personal abbreviations is rare beyond avarice.
"Around the world, we are still subjected to polluter-financed misinformation and propaganda designed to mislead people about the dangers we face from the unfolding climate crisis," Gore said in a statement. The campaign ends with the final presentation by Gore starting at 7:00 pm (2300 GMT) in New York.
...and you'll nev-er freeze aaaaaaalone! Good night, everybody!
Gore won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
Which I believe is now sponsored by Cracker Jack...
A slideshow presented by Gore about the dangers of climate change was the basis of the popular 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," which grossed 49 million dollars worldwide.
...click...and here's my big house in Montecito...click...and the big one in Nashville...click...and here's my big houseboat...click...
How much did it net, by the by? I'm trying to figure out if it was actually a success or a failure, beyond that British judge laying out exactly why it was school inappropriate for school classrooms.

Posted by: tu3031 2011-09-16