
White House crasher husband 'devastated' wife left him
Celebrity White House gate crasher husband Tareq Salahi is glad his wife, Michaele, is OK but heartbroken that she's left home to be with another man, reported to be lead guitarist for the rock band Journey, the couple's attorney said Thursday.
Looks like it's time to grab a bottle, put on the Sinatra, and sit alone in the dark, Tareq...
Tareq Salahi had reported his wife missing Tuesday night, telling authorities in Virginia he feared she had been kidnapped.Authorities, however, said ex-reality TV personality Michaele Salahi told them she was fine and didn't want to return home.
The good news, honey? You don't have to pay the ransom! The bad news? We have to talk...
Then celebrity website TMZ reported that a representative for Journey said she was safe and with guitarist Neal Schon.
What would we do without TMZ...
"Tareq is devastated but he is relieved to know that Michaele is safe," Salahi attorney David Silek told ABC's "Good Morning America. "That was his first concern."
Should I stop the presses, boss?
No, Johnson. That won't be necessary...

Silek said it's premature to say if the couple would get a divorce.
Well, let's see. Balding, overweight, aging, bankrupt winemaker vs. rock star guitarist. Magic Eight Ball sez..."Entirely Possible".
Diane Dimond, who wrote the book "Cirque du Salahi" about the couple, told the morning show that Michaele had been frustrated with her husband and that she had a previous relationship with Schon.
Look soon for Diane's new autobiography, "Maybe I Should Get A Fucking Life"...
"She told me, in effect, that he was one of the loves of her life," Dimond told the show.
Neal, buddy, hear that? You're one of the loves of her life...
Hmmmmmm...sounds like maybe he should get tested.
The Salahis burst onto the scene in 2009 when they crashed a White House state dinner. Michaele Salahi was a cast member of the reality show "Real Housewives of D.C." last year, but the show was canceled after one season.
Damn! And I missed it!
The couple posted a picture on Twitter of themselves with Schon and other band members last week. TMZ posted video of the couple partying with Schon at their embattled winery last year.
Hey, baby. Why don't you ditch the stiff and I'll show you how rock stars party.
Hee Hee...okay!

Aside from the couple's gate crashing troubles and failed reality television attempt, they also have experienced business problems. The winery filed for bankruptcy, and its assets are scheduled to be auctioned off on Sunday. Michaele Salahi also released a single entitled "Bump It" that was not successful and was thrown off the reality show "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" when it became apparent she wasn't addicted to anything.
...as Attention Whoredom has yet to be classified as an addiction.
Posted by: tu3031 2011-09-16