
Security Council passes resolution establishing Libyan support mission
The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution Friday to establish a support mission in Libya for an initial period of three months and to take other measures to help the country get back on its feet.

The mission's mandate includes restoring public security and order and promoting the rule of law, beginning efforts to write a constitution and set up elections, promoting and protecting human rights, and thawing the assets freeze that had been imposed on the government of ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi.

The resolution further asks U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to report on its implementation in two weeks and every month thereafter, or more often if he sees fit.

Resolution 2009 was passed shortly after the General Assembly approved the National Transitional Council to represent Libya at next week's meeting of the U.N. General Assembly.

The vote was 114 in favor, 17 against and 15 abstentions.

Such matters are usually adopted by acclamation, but a number of countries, including Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Angola and Gabon, denounced the recognition of the NTC as Libya's representative and forced the entire assembly to vote.

The Venezuelan ambassador called the NTC an "illegitimate transitory authority, imposed by foreign intervention."
Posted by: tipper 2011-09-17