
In Arkansas, Kerry Finds Key Word to Be 'Clinton'
Edited for just the "key" quote:

On Wednesday evening, he stood in the humid Arkansas air on the same airport tarmac where Gov. Clinton held his last rally on election day in 1992, hoping to soak up some of the same magic. It was Kerry's first trip to the state since he effectively secured the Democratic nomination in early March.
"Thank you for being part of a great Democratic Party in the state of Arkansas that gave this country leadership over eight years that put America to work, grew our nation, made us stronger," he told several hundred people who greeted his campaign plane. "When Bill Clinton left office, not one young American in uniform was dying in a war anywhere in this world."
Oh, really?
Khobar Towers - 19 dead
Somalia - 18 dead
USS Cole - 17 dead

Don't they count, Senator Kerry? Or is fighting terrorists not really a war to you? They are still just as dead.

Posted by: Steve 2004-05-14