
And Live Islamically Ever After
When the ISI needed a terror attack, kidnapping or assassination carried out, Haqqani was often used. Haqqani was reliable and effective and that was important for the generals running ISI. But this year, Haqqani has been under unprecedented attack by NATO forces. That means over 1,600 suspected Haqqani men (including 300 local leaders) have been arrested during over 500 raids this year. These operations killed or captured dozens of known Haqqani officials, often key people who were difficult to replace. Haqqani is being forced to risk its lucrative operations (and personnel) in eastern Afghanistan in order to carry out Pakistan ordered terror attacks in Kabul and elsewhere.

In the last few days, the Afghan government has arrested Hameedullah Akhondzada, described as the mastermind of the recent suicide bomb attack that killed Burhanuddin Rabbani (the former president of Afghanistan (1992-6) and head of the effort to negotiate a peace deal with the Taliban). The government claims to have proof that the attack was ordered by the Taliban leadership (headquartered in Quetta, Pakistan) and with the cooperation of the Pakistan ISI.

As part of the new approach to Pakistan, the U.S. has revealed that many deaths of American troops along the Afghan border were actually caused by Pakistani troops, not Taliban fighters. These details had been kept quiet for years, to maintain good relations with Pakistan. But now the Pakistani army and ISI are seen as out-of-control, so the gloves are off.

A senior Haqqani Network leader, Haji Mali Khan, was captured during an American raid in eastern Afghanistan. Khan is the uncle of the leader of the Haqqani Network, and was in charge of Haqqani operations on the Afghan side of the border.
Posted by: Eohippus Phater7165 2011-10-03