
Political backlash to geoengineering begins
Political opposition to technologies that could artificially cool the planet is in full swing. A field test of geoengineering, planned for October in Sculthorpe, UK, has been postponed for six months. Meanwhile, the European Parliament has passed a resolution that "expresses its opposition to proposals for large scale geoengineering".

The delayed field test, led by Matthew Watson of the University of Bristol, UK, involves a kilometre-long hose that will pump water into the atmosphere. Larger versions of the device could pump sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere, creating a sunshade that would cool the Earth.

According to the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), which is funding the project, the delay was recommended by an independent panel to allow external parties to air their concerns.

The decision follows a concerted campaign by a Canadian NGO, the ETC Group. Last month they issued an open letter to the UK government calling for the project to be suspended. "We believe there should be a ban on all field experimentation until there's an international agreement," says programme manager Diana Bronson. ETC Group is not seeking a ban on theoretical and modelling work or lab-based trials.

The European Parliament's resolution was pushed through by Kriton Arsenis, a Greek Socialist MEP. If the other bodies in the European Union approve it, the anti-geoengineering statement could become part of the EU's negotiating position for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012. In theory, it could then be included in any international agreement that comes out of Rio.

It's not the first attempt to control geoengineering. In late 2010, a meeting of the UN Convention on Biodiversity imposed a moratorium on any form of geoengineering that might affect biodiversity. However this shouldn't apply to Watson's field test, says Tim Kruger of the Oxford Geoengineering Programme at the University of Oxford. "I don't think anyone could argue that spraying water into the atmosphere would have an effect on biodiversity," he says.

Nevertheless Kruger is supporting the delay, arguing that public opinion must be seriously considered before experiments begin. "It's very important that work on geoengineering is not just legally but also socially acceptable," he says. "We want to avoid the kind of backlash that affected GM crops and nuclear power."
Posted by: DarthVader 2011-10-04