
3 Dead in Egypt Protests
At least three soldiers have been killed and dozens of people injured after a protest in Cairo against an attack on a Coptic Christian church.

Egyptian TV showed protesters throwing petrol bombs and army vehicles burning outside the state television building.

Copts blame Muslim radicals for the partial demolition of a Coptic church in Aswan province last week.

Sectarian tensions have increased since President Hosni Mubarak was ousted in a popular uprising in February.

Egypt's Coptic Christians - who make up about 10% of the population - accuse the governing military council of being too lenient on the perpetrators of a string of anti-Christian attacks.

The protest began outside the state TV building in central Maspero Square but soon spread to Tahrir Square, the epicentre of the demonstrations which led to President Mubarak's resignation.
Here at Rantburg we highlight our comments to differentiate from the reporter's report. We also eschew the kind of nastiness you are fond of, Mr. Israel4Jews, and so I removed it. Also, moved to Africa - North, which is where Egypt is located on the map.
-- trailing wife at 12:08 a.m. ET the next day

Posted by: Israel4Jews 2011-10-09