
Potential "Arab Spring" Pricetag: $55 billion
A patented Three Paragraphs or Less summation:
In a report using data from the International Monetary Fund, the Geopolicity consultancy group says the Arab Spring protests this year have cost "more than $50 billion".
Pah. Fannie Mae can lose that much over lunch...
Countries that experienced "intensive civil disturbances or conflict" during Arab Spring were expected to have the most short-term losses. The report did not take into account the losses in lives, infrastructure, and business and foreign investment.

Egypt, Syria and Libya paid the "highest financial price". But oil-producing nations that avoided or suppressed their rebellions benefited most. UAE, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia have all increased their public revenues.
'Unexpectedly', no doubt.
The report warns that "without a regional support programme", the effects of the Arab Spring could be "regressive".
See: Pottery Barn Rule

Posted by: Pappy 2011-10-15