
Taiwan tries again to break international isolation
As the World Health Assembly (WHA), the World Health Organisation's decision-making body, convenes in Geneva for its annual meeting today, Taiwan will launch its eighth bid to join the global health body as an observer. This marks another attempt by Taipei to break the international isolation imposed by China, which claims sovereignty over the self-ruled island.

"The EU will vote against us but proposes to let us participate in prevention of infectious diseases," Chen Chien-jen, Taiwan's health minister, said in an interview from Geneva. "We have also made progress as the US and Japan will vote in our favour."

No more than a footnote to the meeting itself, the handling of the issue by the WHO will be a crucial factor for cross-strait relations. Another outright rejection of Taiwan's request could provoke Chen Shui-bian, president, to take a hard line towards China in his inauguration speech this Thursday. When the WHA met last year, Taiwan hoped for a breakthrough because the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) had highlighted the need for cross-border co-operation on health issues. But China continued to block the island's bid. Sha Zukang, one of Beijing's delegates, even derided it, saying: "Who cares about you Taiwan".

Polls show this contributed to a fresh rise of anti-Chinese sentiment in Taiwan. It was in response to this incident that President Chen pledged to hold referenda - a move condemned by China - and hardened his rhetoric and policy towards Beijing. Political analysts say Taiwan's de-facto independence has created a need for a degree of international recognition because continued isolation would strengthen the case of those demanding formal independence.
Posted by: Steve White 2004-05-17