
Kenyan Motives in Somalia Predate Recent Abductions
The Kenyan government revealed on Wednesday that its extensive military foray into Somalia this month to battle Islamist militants was not simply a response to a wave of recent kidnappings, as previously claimed, but was actually planned far in advance, part of a covert strategy to penetrate Somalia and keep the violence in one of Africa's most anarchic countries from spilling into one of Africa's most stable.

For several years, the American-backed Kenyan military has been secretly arming and training clan-based militias inside Somalia to safeguard Kenya's borders and economic interests, especially a huge port to be built just 60 miles south of Somalia.
Sounds sorta like what the Israelis did for a time in southern Lebanon. I thought that was a good strategy then though the world wouldn't let the evvvvvvil Jooooz get away with it. I think it's a good strategy for the Kenyans -- if you have to put up with crazy neighbors, try to keep them at arms length.
But now many diplomats, analysts and Kenyans fear that the country, by essentially invading southern Somalia, has bitten off far more than it can chew, opening itself up to terrorist reprisals and impeding the stressed relief efforts to save hundreds of thousands of starving Somalis.
"We need more hand lotion, our hands are so chapped from wringing!"
Somalia has been a thorn in Kenya's side ever since Kenya became independent in 1963, and the two countries have followed wildly different paths. Somalia has become synonymous with famine, war and anarchy, while Kenya has become one of America's closest African allies, a bastion of stability and a favorite of tourists worldwide.

When Kenya sent troops storming across Somalia's border on Oct. 16, government officials initially said that they were chasing kidnappers who had recently abducted four Westerners inside Kenya, two from beachside bungalows, and that Kenya had to defend its tourism industry.

But on Wednesday, Alfred Mutua, the Kenyan government's chief spokesman, revised this rationale, saying the kidnappings were more of a "good launchpad."

"An operation of this magnitude is not planned in a week," Mr. Mutua said. "It's been in the pipeline for a while."

Many analysts wonder how Kenya will be able to defy history and stabilize Somalia when the United Nations, the United States, Ethiopia and the African Union have all intervened before, with little success. They argue that the Kenyan operation seems uncoordinated and poorly planned, with hundreds of troops bogged down in the mud from rains that fall at this time every year.
The Kenyans do have the advantage of knowing the area, but logistics are a bitch for anyone and everyone.
Kenyan military officials also publicly said the United States and France were helping them, but both countries quickly distanced themselves from the operation, insisting that they were not taking part in the combat.

"The invasion was a serious miscalculation, and the Kenyan economy is going to suffer badly," said David M. Anderson, a Kenya specialist at Oxford.
Oh what would we do without experts?
The Shabab, who have pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda, have killed hundreds in suicide attacks in Somalia and are now vowing to punish Kenya, much as they struck Uganda last year for sending peacekeepers.

There have already been two grenade attacks in Nairobi, which Kenyan officials said were the work of Shabab members, and this usually laid-back capital city has shifted into war mode. Security guards peer into purses at supermarkets, shopping centers are deserted because many Kenyans are now scared to congregate in public, and the American government has warned of "an imminent threat of terrorist attacks" at malls and nightclubs.

Despite their close relationship with Kenyan security services, which receive millions of dollars in American aid each year, American officials said they had been caught off guard by the incursion.

"The United States did not encourage the Kenyan government to act, nor did Kenya seek our views," said Katya Thomas, a spokeswoman at the American Embassy in Nairobi. "We note that Kenya has a right to defend itself."

Pentagon officials are now watching cautiously. "This is not something that's coordinated with us at all, so it's not something we have much knowledge about," a senior Pentagon official. "We want to see how this develops."

Pentagon officials said the immediate impact of dispersing Shabab fighters was good. But without knowing much about the overall Kenyan strategy or long-term plan, they are a bit wary.

"It's difficult to discern what's the next step," the official said.

Kenyan officials say the next step is marching to Kismayu, a port town controlled by the Shabab, who derive tens of millions of dollars a year in taxes from it.
There's a good idea: take it away from the terrorists, use it as a logistics base, and give the third-world relief organizations a place to work.

Posted by: Sherry 2011-10-27