
Islamists storm British mosque during MP visit
After posting violent warning messages online, protesters forced their way into a north London mosque where an MP was meeting constituents.

Tory MP Mike Freer was forced to leave the meeting after being targeted by the Muslims Against Crusades who had posted messages referring to the Stephen Timms stabbing online. Today he urged Home Secretary Theresa May to take action against the group after the attack at his North Finchley constituency meeting.

In a shocking message before the incident on the group's website, they referred to Labour MP Stephen Timms -who was stabbed while holding a meeting in east London last year -warning the attack on him should serve as a "piercing reminder" to politicians that "their presence is no longer welcome in any Muslim area."

The trouble at North Finchley Mosque on Friday afternoon began after internet messages posted on Facebook and the Muslims Against Crusades website urged supporters to target the MP, who had played a role in the campaign against Palestinian activist Sheikh Raed Salah's visit to Britain earlier this year.

Freer said there was a vocal demonstration outside the mosque as he began the meeting, but then a second group of people showed up and forced their way inside. He said, "One of them sat at a table where I was dealing with a constituent and was abusive."

Freer, a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, said he was called a "Jewish homosexual pig." He was escorted by staff at the mosque to a locked part of the building until help arrived and described the incident as "uncomfortable." But when he was made aware of the website's reference to the stabbing that he realised the potential danger.

The message also said that "as a member of the Conservative Party", Freer "has the blood of thousands of Muslims on his hands."

As well as the campaign against Mr Salah, Freer also spoke out against a proposed trip to the UK by US pastor Terry Jones, and stressed he will "continue to condemn all forms of religious intolerance."

Mr Freer said he wanted the Home Secretary to closely monitor the actions of Muslims Against Crusades and subject them to the "full force of the law."

He said, "The difficulty is with this group is it's the third incarnation of other groups. Every time it gets banned, it just renames. What I'm saying is the Home Office needs to be continuing to monitor this group and as soon as they overstep the mark then the full force of the law should come down on them."

A police spokesman said, "Officers attended North Finchley Mosque at 4:10 p.m. on Friday after a disturbance by protesters inside the building. There were no arrests."
Posted by: ryuge 2011-10-31