
Today's Idiot
FORT MYERS, Fla., Nov. 8 (UPI) -- Authorities in Florida say a woman with no sense of proportion threatened to blow up planes when police refused to help her with her husband's work schedule.
If that's a police matter, I'm a Dalek!
Lee County Port Authority Police said Soraya Evette Billinge, 36, called from her cellphone and told the dispatcher she was upset about her husband working nights because she doesn't like being home alone, Fort Myers' WBBH-TV reported Tuesday.

A transcript of a recording of her unfriendly chat with the dispatcher indicated she said her husband works for Delta Airlines at the airport.

Billinge became upset when the dispatcher told her police could not help with her problem, police said.

"OK I blow up, I blow up 10 planes," she allegedly said before hanging up the phone.
So instead of being home alone, she makes license plates with plenty of company.
Police said they put Billinge in the Gray-Bar Hotel after her husband brought her in to the police offices.
Her husband brought her in? I don't know what to say.
Maybe he wanted to get back to work...
They charged her with making a bomb threat and making a false report.
Plus they checked her lips of those telltale burn marks...
Posted by: Korora 2011-11-09