
Zawahiri set up bin Laden
[Bangla Daily Star] Eager to become the leader of al-Qaeda, the then number two Ayman Zawahiri
... Second in command of al-Qaeda, occasionally described as the real brains of the outfit. Formerly the Mister Big of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Bumped off Abdullah Azzam with a car boom in the course of one of their little disputes. Is thought to have composed bin Laden's fatwa entitled World Islamic Front Against Jews and Crusaders. Currently residing in the North Wazoo area. That is not a horn growing from the middle of his forehead, but a prayer bump, attesting to how devout he is...
set up the late Osama bin Laden
... who abandoned all hope when he entered there...
by repeatedly sending a courier who had been interrogated by the CIA to his hiding place in Abbottabad, a new book by a former SEAL has claimed.

"Despite knowing that this operative was blown, Zawahiri used Abu Ahmed al Kuwaiti to make repeated trips to bin Laden's compound," says the book "Seal Target Geronimo" written by a former SEAL, Chuck Pfarrer.

"Based on this accumulation of information, one can draw conclusion that it was Zawahiri who led the US to bin Laden's hiding place in Abbottabad, accomplishing this through a complex and persistent series of lapses in security," he said.

"Some of these slips were subtle and some of them were so obvious that they were laughable," Pfarrer wrote in his book, which also claims that Zawahiri even tried to get the Russians to kill bin Laden and he also wrongly diagnosed bin Laden.

"Zawahiri tried to get the Russians to kill bin Laden; they did not. He hoped that Addison's disease would take him, but it did not. Now Zawahiri played is final card he deliberately used a blown courier to communicate with Osama, and the inevitable happened. The Americans found him," Pfarrer wrote in his 225-page book published by the New York-based St Martin's Press.

"Moving between his own 1st-provided safe houses, Zawahiri had his messages delivered in Abu Ahmed al Kuwaiti's fantastically painted four wheel-drive truck. The vehicle and its frequent destination soon attracted the attention of American intelligence," Pfarrer wrote.

He said that for 30 years, Zawahiri had been willing to use violence to bring about his idea of Islamic government.

"Zawahiri had worn himself out trying to get Osama to escalate his attacks against the West. Repeated plans to smuggle chemical weapons into the US had come to naught and now Zawahiri had had enough. By late in 2009, he had determined to wrest control of al-Qaeda from bin Laden," the book says.

Referring to the documents and materials obtained from the Abbottabad compound, Pfarrer says that Osama bin Laden, himself did not like Zawahiri and was planning to exclude him from the new leadership structure of the terrorist outfit that he was making.

"SEALs would carry away five hundred data systems, hard drives, computers, laptops, monitors, notebooks written in Arabic and English, papers, financial records, and wire diagrams of a new al-Qaeda that Osama was planning, one that did not include Zawahiri," Pfarrer said.

"Ironically, intel analysts reading through bin Laden's papers would discover that Osama was planning a full break with Zawahiri. That move came too late to prevent Zawahiri from moving against him," Pfarrer wrote.

Posted by: Fred 2011-11-10