
Steven Chu's Solyndra Testimony: WaPo Gives Him Three Pinocchios
In his defense of the Energy Department's handling of the $535 million loan guarantee to the now bankrupt Solyndra, Energy Secretary Steven Chu made some bold claims about the overall effectiveness of the department's clean-energy loan programs. He also made the case that the collapse in solar panel prices -- which helped sink Solyndra -- was "totally unexpected" by most financial analysts at the time when the department went forward with the loan in 2009.

There are a number of issues in dispute concerning Solyndra, but these two statements by Chu appear to be the most ripe for a fact check because they get to the heart of the issue about whether the clean-energy program is creating many jobs and whether the Energy Department should have seen the red flags concerning the Solyndra investment.
Posted by: Beavis 2011-11-18