
Venezuela opposition decry militia plans
Venezuela’s opposition says a plan by President Hugo Chavez to give civilians military training as part of a new national defence strategy is aimed at creating pro-government militias to intimidate those pushing for a presidential recall vote. "The plan is aimed at organising and legalising pro-government militias at the service of the state," said Jose Farias, a congressman from the Solidarity opposition party, on Monday. "He’s using this as a form of intimidation."

During a speech to his supporters on Sunday, Chavez, a leftist former paratrooper, said his "revolutionary" government would give military training to civilians to help guard against threats to national security in Venezuela, the world’s No. 5 oil exporter Chavez claims government opponents are conspiring to overthrow his left-leaning government. He alleged that more than 100 alleged Colombian paramilitaries who were arrested near Caracas last week had been brought to Venezuela as part of a plot hatched by his political enemies involving his assassination. Chavez argues that his opponents, including Venezuelan exiles in the United States and neighbouring Colombia, were behind the purported paramilitary plot. "It’s about the Venezuelan people’s massive incorporation in the comprehensive defence of the territory, everywhere. Each citizen should considered himself a soldier," Chavez said. Participants would "receive military training and become organised so that they can defend the fatherland," he said. Active military officers, reserve troops and retired soldiers would begin organising civilians for military training, Chavez said. He did not say whether training would be obligatory or voluntary. Chavez urged "patriotic" Venezuelans to participate in the developing defence strategy after warning that "imperialists" in the United States could attempt to invade Venezuela to take over its abundant oil reserves. Defence Minister Jorge Garcia Carnierno told the state-run Venpres news agency on Monday that "civilians, soldiers, businessmen and artists are (legally) committed to national defence" under Venezuela’s Constitution.

Opposition leaders deny plotting to topple Chavez. Opposition leaders claim several shadowy pro-government groups, including alleged urban guerrilla movements, are already armed – illegally – and the government has failed to crack down on them. "These violent groups already exist, Chavez now aims to legalise them," Farias said.
Posted by: Super Hose 2004-05-19