
For Murat: Bakery-Turned-Brothel Targeted
A small bomb exploded on Tuesday at a bakery that was moonlighting as a brothel in southern Turkey but no one was hurt, police said. Authorities had closed the bakery a week ago for soliciting, but the shop re-opened after a local court ruling, a policewoman told Reuters. The shop’s windows were broken in the explosion but it suffered little other damage. "It’s still just a theory, but it appears the blast is connected to the prostitution," another official said.

Prostitution is legal only in Muslim Turkey’s many state-controlled brothels. Thousands of foreign nationals, mainly from former Soviet states, work in an illicit skin trade in cities and resort areas. But religious tradition in conservative parts of the country has led to outrage, even mass street demonstrations, against women suspected of prostitution.
Let’s see. In Turkey you have to pay the government to screw you. Er... it puts new meaning to the term "hot cross buns". They’re raking in the dough, any way you look at it.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-05-19