
Norwegian Killer of 77 People Breivik Declared Insane
[Tripoli Post] Norwegians have been shocked rather than surprised by the news, Tuesday, that Psychiatrists assessing self-confessed Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik have concluded that he is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, and was in a psychotic state both during and after the June 22 twin attacks that led to the deaths of 77 people and injured 151.
But still he killed them, didn't he?
The report stating that Breivik is criminally insane, must still be reviewed by a panel of forensic psychiatrists from the Norwegian Board of Forensic Medicine.
Does that mean he'll be kept for the rest of his life in a straight jacket? Or will be become a Norwegian version of John Hinckley, going to visit Mom on weekends and coming up for periodic reevaluations?
The Norwegian public's reaction was one of disbelief for a person whose opinions seem to set him apart from war criminals, who are tried in court as if they are sane.
How do his opinions set him apart from them? He a wannabe Nazi, let him get what the real Nazis got. Be nice to him by giving him the kind of pill Goering had.
Breivik, 32, who admits carrying out the attacks will still stand trial on April 16 for a hearing scheduled to last around 10 weeks, but it seems likely he will be placed in psychiatric care rather than in prison.
Until he's cured, of course. Then he'll be ever so much better. And all those people he killed won't be dead anymore.
Breivik has pleaded not guilty
"Wudn't me."
to charges, arguing that that the attacks were atrocious but necessary for his campaign to defend Europe against a Moslem invasion that was being enabled by what he called "cultural Marxists" in Norway's Labour Party, and the EU.
Some of us have a bit of a problem with rubbing out mostly a bunch of teenagers at summer camp, whether they're "cultural Marxists" or not.
Two psychiatrists interviewed him on 13 occasions.
Betcha that was adventurous...
Tuesday their 243-page report concluded that he lived in his "own delusional universe where all his thoughts and acts are guided by his delusions", prosecutors said.
Yet a single bullet could bring that entire universe to a screeching halt, never to delude again...
Norwegian prosecutor Svein Holden said: "The observed person was psychotic". The report will now be reviewed by a panel.
Who will say profound things like "And what do we mean by psychosis, Doctor? Isn't it possible that we're the ones who're psycho and this man is perfectly sane?"
Another prosecutor, Inga Bejer Engh told news hounds in Oslo: "If the final conclusion is that Breivik is insane, we will request that the court in the upcoming legal proceedings pass sentence by which Breivik is subjected to compulsory mental health care".
Does that mean keeping him in a straight jacket for life? What happens if he gets loose?
Before the report was made public, a lawyer for the victims said it did not matter what the conclusion was as long as Breivik was not allowed to go free.
"And what do we mean by 'freedom,' Doctor? Isn't it possible that we're the ones who aren't free, while this man is at liberty to roam his carefully constructed universe that exists in his head, gaily picking spring flowers and harvesting culturally Marxist teenagers with an illegal Uzi?"
The shock is heightened by the media portrayal of Breivik as carefully planning his actions as a functioning member of society. He does not match the public's idea of a paranoid schizophrenic.
He doesn't sound like your run-of-the-mill loop loop, but he does sound like a loop loop.
John Christian Elden, a lawyer for the victims told the BBC: "What will happen in the case, no matter what the conclusion, is that he (Breivik) will of course be incarcerated. And if the outcome is criminally sane or insane, that is, first and foremost a psychiatric question. The most important thing in our clients' opinion is that he will not be able to walk the streets."
If he had three eye sockets and no back to his head he wouldn't be able to walk the streets, either. Barring a zombie eruption his chances of recidivism would be just about zero.
On July 22, Breivik disguised himself as a police officer to plant a car boom that went kaboom! close to government offices in the capital Oslo, killing eight people. Then, still in uniform, he drove to the island of Utoeya, where a summer youth camp of Norway's governing Labour Party was being held. There he opened fire in a shooting spree that lasted more than an hour. During it he killed 69 people - mostly teenagers.
Posted by: Fred 2011-11-30