
Obama Admin Seals F&F BP Agent's Death File
that lying feckless crapweasel Holder has gotta go down. Prosecute the SOB
The Obama Administration has abruptly sealed court records containing alarming details of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a U.S. Border patrol agent with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico.

This means information will now be kept from the public as well as the media. Could this be a cover-up on the part of the "most transparent" administration in history? After all, the rifle used to kill the federal agent (Brian Terry) last December in Arizona's Peck Canyon was part of the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious. Conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the disastrous scheme allowed guns to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels.
Gorb posted the same story a few minutes after Frank did, and had the following comment:
Has anyone figured out just how the Feds planned on tracking these weapons once they were out of country? I can't even imagine how they would track them in the United States, let alone the chaos that is Mexico. The only thing I could imagine is that they were hoping that if the gun were used in a murder that it would be dropped and then they could figure out where the gun came from. Great. Lot of good that would do anybody, especially the deceased. Were they hoping that authorities would manage to follow the straw buyers day and night and figure out where the bad guys lived? Hard to do without involving the Mexican authorities. Even then, given the corruption, it would never work. GPS chips? There's probably a regulation against it somewhere. Maybe they were hoping authorities would waltz in and arrest someone and they would have the tagged guns and somehow it would lead them to higher-ups? Word would get out too quickly.
Posted by: Frank G 2011-11-30