
'Anti-UK protest not organized by Iran'
[Iran Press TV] Despite British allegations that Iranian authorities had organized Tuesday's protests outside the UK Embassy in Tehran, US Vice President Joe Foreign Policy Whiz Kid Biden
The former Senator-for-Life from Delaware, an example of the kind of top-notch Washington intellect to be found in the World's Greatest Deliberative Body...
says there is no such indication.

"I don't have any indication how and or if it (the protests) was orchestrated," Biden told Rooters on Thursday.

The comments stand in sharp contrast to earlier claims made by British Foreign Secretary William Hague that the protests in Iran had been state-sanctioned and orchestrated.

Hague, in an address to the UK parliament on Wednesday, blamed Iran's Basij forces for the attack, saying, "We should be clear from the outset that this is an organization controlled by elements of the Iranian regime."

Britannia further used this pretext to "immediately" close Iran's Embassy in London and expel Iran's diplomatic missions from the UK.

Angry students protested outside the British Embassy on November 29, pulling down the UK flag and demanding the speedy expulsion of the British envoy.

The protest followed a Majlis decision on November 27, which was also approved by the Guardian Council the next day, to downgrade relations with Britannia to the level of charge d'affaires and limit all economic and cultural collaboration with London to the minimum level.

The Iranian politicians acted on the bill in response to the UK's recent decision to impose unilateral sanctions against the Central Bank of the Islamic Theocratic Republic of Iran, over allegations that Tehran's nuclear program may consist of a covert military aspect.
Posted by: Fred 2011-12-03