
Israeli Arabs win first soccer football cup
A football team from an Arab town has won Israel’s main football cup for the first time in the country’s history. Arabs throughout the northern Galilee region celebrated on Tuesday night as Bnei Sakhnin defeated Hapoel Haifa 4-1 in the State Cup final. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon congratulated club chairman Mazen Ghnaim and promised to help to build a new stadium in the town. Bnei Sakhnin will now play in next season’s Uefa Cup. "I’m sure they will represent Israel honourably in Europe," Mr Sharon said in a statement. Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat said the achievement brought "honour to the Palestinian people". Israeli Football Association chairman Itche Menachem said the victory was a "bridge for peace and co-existence between our peoples... and a great celebration for Israeli soccer".
An interesting away fixture for UK teams next season... may have to start making strips in kevlar.
Posted by: Howard UK 2004-05-20