
Troops surround Chalabi’s house
I won’t comment much on this since I have no idea what exactly went on regarding this incident.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. soldiers and Iraqi police surrounded the residence of Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi on Thursday, and an aide said the troops raided the house ostensibly to search for fugitives. The aide, Haidar Musawi, accused the Americans of trying to pressure Chalabi, who was a longtime Pentagon favorite now openly critical of U.S. plans for how much power to transfer to the Iraqis on June 30.
Chalabi seems to have expected us to install him as president. When that didn't happen he started causing trouble.
He said the Americans also raided offices of Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress.
A bit weird, them raiding these offices.
U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, have accused Chalabi of trying to interfere with an investigation into alleged corruption of the U.N.-run oil-for-food program, in which Saddam Hussein’s government was allowed to sell oil despite international sanctions to buy food and humanitarian supplies.
ahh...now we’re getting somewhere. I’ll leave the rest of the speculation up to you folks.
Posted by: Valentine 2004-05-20