
Mugabe gets party nod to seek another term
I'm wondering if the 'Weekend at Bernie's' pic would be more appropriate...
[Daily Nation (Kenya)]Zim-bob-we's President Bob Muggsy Mugabe
Octogenarian President-for-Life of Zim-bob-we who turned the former Breadbasket of Africa into the African Basket Case...
has received another endorsement to represent his party in elections expected next year amid reports of intensifying infighting to replace him.

The 87-year-old leader, in power since the country's independence from Britannia in 1980, won the support to remain in office at an annual Zanu-PF conference under way in the country's second city of Bulawayo.

President Mugabe wants elections held as soon as possible, arguing that his coalition government with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has failed to work.

Officially opening the conference with a speech that lasted for more than two hours on Thursday, the veteran politician described the unity government as an impractical patch on torn trousers.

"Time has come to prepare for elections," he said. "We just have to have elections next year."

At the weekend, Mr Tsvangirai relished another opportunity to contest against his long-time rival, saying he was now too old to campaign.

"Let's give the old man a retirement package by voting him out."
Posted by: Fred 2011-12-10