
Saudi's Issue Fatwa Against al-Jazeera
Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority issued a "fatwa" or religious edict Thursday banning Muslims from watching Qatar-based al-Jazeera TV. The edict issued by Sheik Saleh al-Fawzan, a member of the kingdom's committee of ulemas, described the Arab satellite channel as "Zionist television," which hosts "so-called reformists who have a podium for airing their poisonous ideas."
al-Jazeera, the mouthpiece of al-Qeada, is "Zionist TV". Who knew?
I'm not really a lover of al-Jizzplatter, but where in the Koran does it say you can't watch it? Or is it in one of the hadiths?
"There is no need to set up satellite dishes to watch the news on al-Jazeera ... Saudis can have access to all the news and information through Saudi newspapers, radio and television," the edict said.
Saudi News Network - "We Report, You Believe, Or Else".
It cautioned Muslims against "introducing evil to their homes and destroying them by watching al-Jazeera, which is a provocative and evil channel hosting people who interpret religion as they please. "Watching al-Jazeera is an evil in itself," it added.
Well, OK.
The popular satellite TV channel hosts Saudi opposition figures and activists calling for political and social reforms in the Muslim conservative kingdom.
I think I'd call this a dumb reaction to a tiresome problem. If it wasn't Soddy Arabia we were talking about, I'd point out that the solution to al-Jizzles isn't to ban watching it, but to give alternatives to it, be it I Love Lucy reruns, All Bollywood All the Time, or wrestling.

Posted by: Steve 2004-05-20