
Jordanian soldier fires at Israelis on border
These guys were extremely lucky.
A jammed pistol proved the difference between life and death for members of an Israeli delegation when a Jordanian policeman reportedly tried to shoot them at the Allenby crossing point as they were returning home. Reports from the scene said the policeman managed to fire one bullet without hitting anyone before the magazine in his automatic got stuck and he was eventually overcome by security guards.

The drama occurred on Thursday evening as the delegation, including academics and members of the security establishment, was returning to Israel from a conference in Jordan. According to reports, they were waiting in the VIP lounge at the Allenby terminal in the Jordan Rift when suddenly a Jordanian policeman entered and opened fire at them. Yisrael Harel, a member of the delegation, told Channel Two that they had been waiting for their passports to be processed when a Jordanian policeman entered the room and fired in their direction but without hitting anyone. Harel said he fired one shot and then the pistol jammed, He tried to rectify the problem but only succeeded in ejecting bullets. "Every time he cocked the pistol and tried to fire, it wouldn’t fire and ejected the bullets until there were 20-30 scattered around," said Harel.

According to previous reports, questions were raised regarding the documents of one of the delegation members. When they attempted to force their way through to the Israeli side, a Jordanian soldier fired one shot towards a nearby wall.
Looks to me they were set up to be murdered. Of course this got minimal coverage in the mainstream media. It was only Jooos anyway.
Posted by: Phil_B 2004-05-21