
Berg Murderers include Saddam’s Nephew
Iraqi police have arrested four people in the killing of American Nicholas Berg and believe a nephew of Saddam Hussein was involved in Berg’s beheading, an Iraqi security official said Friday. The suspects were former members of Saddam Hussein’s Fedayeen paramilitary organization, said the official. They were May 14 in a house in Salaheddin province, north of Baghdad. The province includes Tikrit, Saddam’s hometown. The group that was involved in the killing of Berg was led by Yasser al-Sabawi, a nephew of Saddam Hussein, the security official said. He said American intelligence had asked Iraqi authorities to hand over the suspects, but they were still in Iraqi hands. Al-Sabawi was not among those arrested, the Iraqi official said.
Well lookie here. We have been told for the last two years that Saddam is not and never has been involved in militant Islamic terror, yet here’s the proof. Look for CNN and the NYT to jump on THIS aspect of the story. Or not. But definately one of the two.
Posted by: Chris W. 2004-05-21