
Irshad Manji: Time to admit the Koran has Issues
Muslims, like Jews and Christians, must own up to problems in their holy book.
[my favorite Lesbian Canadian Moslem]
Muslim reaction to the beheading of Nicholas Berg tells us a lot about what’s happening in the Islamic world. More than that, it reveals what’s not happening, yet needs to... many of these Muslims continue to cradle a dangerous delusion. Islam, they still insist, had nothing to do with this horrific crime...
[somebody said this]
"... cutting off the American’s head was an act of mutilation forbidden by Islam." Sound familiar? In the days following September 11, Muslim spokespeople mouthed the mantra that the Koran makes it absolutely clear when jihad can and can’t be pursued, and the terrorists unquestionably crossed the line. To quote a Muslim American scholar who typified this perspective, Allah "says in unequivocal terms that to kill an innocent being is like killing entire humanity." Wishful whitewashing. The Koran verse that’s cited as "unequivocal" actually bestows wiggle room. Here’s how it fully reads: "We laid it down for the Israelites," meaning those who believe in one God, "that whoever killed a human being, except as punishment for murder or other villainy in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all mankind." Sadly, the clause starting with "except" can be deployed by militant Muslims to fuel their jihads. That’s precisely how Nicholas Berg’s executioners justified their travesty. ... We shouldn’t underestimate the impact of this Koranic loophole...
Posted by: mhw 2004-05-21