
Iranian detained over arms find in France
An Iranian national was detained Friday in the southern French port city of Marseille after police uncovered a large cache of weapons, explosives and burglary equipment in a cellar. The 47-year-old Iranian, said to be the owner of the cellar, is already suspected of links to terrorist groups, one police source said. However police said they had so far not determined whether the arms cache was intended for terrorist use or for criminal acts.

They were trying to establish whether the arrested man, who according to one police source was proficient in both chemistry and the use of computers, was the owner of the cache. The find included seven kilograms (15 pounds) of explosives, an assault rifle, five handguns, several grenades and a stock of ammunition, police said. Among other equipment found, described by police as "a top-flight burglary kit" were ski masks, fake identity papers -- some of them in the name of the arrested man -- handcuffs, rotating police lights, mobile telephones with their SIM cards, and maps of Spain. Police said they were alerted late on Thursday by a resident of the building, who got a glimpse of the arsenal in the basement while visiting his own cellar.
Posted by: TS(vice girl) 2004-05-21