
Tehran Friday prayers
Substitute leader of the Tehran Friday prayers Hashemi Rafsanjani condemned the United States’ policies in Iraq and said the US measures and policies are detrimental to the international community.

Addressing the worshipers gathered for the weekly congregational prayers at the Tehran University campus, Rafsanjani said the United States has committed so many mistakes in Iraq and it is doing an about-face. He said the United States is not honest when it supports mottos on the human rights in other countries, Iraq included. Rafsanjani said the United States erroneously thinks it can achieve its aims and objectives by following up false policies in Iraq. He said supporting the Israeli regime is another mistake committed by the United States adding that the global arrogance considers Islam as a great enemy for itself. He touched on the September 11, 2001 hijacking mid-air suicidal attacks on the us major cities New York and Washington and said US President George W. Bush spoke of a new crusade soon after the events while the crusade resulted in the past to the defeat of the westerners.

Opposition to Iran’s Islamic revolution was also a blunder committed by the United States, he said adding that Washington has gained nothing in opposing the Iranian revolution. He commented on the achievements of the 1979 Islamic revolution and said the Islamic revolution proved that even in the contemporary era, the community may still be run in accordance with religious principles. He went on to say that Al-Qaeda and Taliban which have created so many problems for the modern world have been created by the United States.

Rafsanjani said the United States has paid a heavy cost for his mistakes in creating Taliban and Al-Qaeda while noting that it created them to encounter with the Iranian system. Rafsanjani said the world public opinion is opposed to terrorism and rejects it but the problem is that the us is not able to control the tense situation in Iraq and the situation in that country has grown increasingly worse.

He referred to various plots hatched by the US against Iraq and said the Americans cannot acquit themselves of the crimes they have committed there and in particular in the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf which have been the scene of deadly blasts previously. Stressing that Iran is the most oppressed victim of terrorism in the world, he noted the United States, as a promoter of terrorism and founder of the Taliban, cannot claim it is fighting against terrorism and violation.

He condemned the move by the US military to enter the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf despite the fact that the senior Islamic jurisprudents have warned against the US military personnel in this regard. He blamed the Americans for the deadly incidents in Iraq’s holy sites and said they are responsible for what had occurred in the day of Ashura. He called on the Muslim world to give their genuine backing to the innocent Palestinian people. Rafsanjani said the Americans are mainly responsible for the tragic situation in the region, including Palestine.
Of course, after this ’sermon’ the people went out and promptly tried to storm the British embassy.
Posted by: TS(vice girl) 2004-05-21