
The George Soros -- Wrong Paul Connection
One year ago Ron Paul joined forces with Barney Frank on a proposal to gut national defense via a panel of experts, quite a few of whom were tied to George Soros.

The panel of experts who would decide how to best gut national defense featured...

William D. Hartung of the New America Foundation. "Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire.

Winslow Wheeler of the Center for Defense Information (CDI)...CDI gets money from the Open Society Institute (OSI) - one world government backed of Soros.

Paul Kawika Martin of Peace Action (PA). You might know PA better by its old name, the "Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy" or just "SANE," a Communist front group investigated by none other than Senator Thomas Dodd.

Heather Hurlburt of the National Security Network (NSN). The NSN's goals are to "build a strong progressive national security and counter conservative spin." Soros's OSI helped fund NSN, and its Special Counsel was on the NSN Policy Committee.

So not only did Paul join forces with Barney Frank to slash military preparedness, but he ended up putting the experts of a foreign billionaire with global ambitions in charge of the project.
Any more proof needed that Ron Paul is absolutely a danger to the nation?
Posted by: OldSpook 2012-01-03