
Global Warming Causes Junkie Muslims
Just hurry up and sink already. The complainiest islands in all of the Indian Ocean are at it again:

The President of what could be the first country in the world lost to climate change has urged Australia to prepare for a mass wave of climate refugees seeking a new place to live.

The Maldivian President, Mohamed Nasheed, said his government was considering Australia as a possible new home if the tiny archipelago disappears beneath rising seas.

‘’It is increasingly becoming difficult to sustain the islands, in the natural manner that these islands have been,’’ he told the Herald in an interview in Male, the Maldives capital.

Then he attended a ceremony to mark the construction of a new airport. President Nasheed has more urgent problems than a few little waves:

An epidemic of cheap heroin has swept through the archipelago, but taken root in Male in particular. The UN has estimated 40 per cent of the country’s youth use hard drugs.

Nasheed, a Muslim as the Maldives constitution obliges all Maldivians to be, also faces a rising tide of Islamic fundamentalism. Wahhabist Islamic scholars, most schooled in madrassas in Pakistan, are radicalising Islam in the Maldives.

Female circumcision is practised, and is reportedly on the increase, across the archipelago. There are calls for the return of amputation for crimes and for the banning of music and dancing. Women are flogged for having extra-marital sex.

This “global warming” we sometimes hear about … any chance of speeding it up
Posted by: tipper 2012-01-07