
'Foreign death squads kill Syrians'
[Iran Press TV] Press TV talks with Webster Griffin Tarpley,
A perfect example of intelligence run amok...
author and lecturer in Washington who shares his in-depth insights of the movements by Western and Arab elements behind the scenes to destabilize Syria and terrorize its people. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: What is your reaction to our first speaker and to the US' broader plan to, let's put it this way, at a minimum create this unrest in the country?

Webster Tarpley: Let me confirm some things that the first speaker said. I was in Syria myself in the second half of November and I visited Homs and I went to the Zahra neighborhood and in particular the Zahra hospital and the main demand that was raised by ordinary people of all religions was that they don't want the Syrian army taken out of there; they want the Syrian army to come in.
Posted by: Fred 2012-01-08