
Righthaven complains about 'scorched-earth' efforts to enforce judgments
Awwwwww - da' poor bay-beeees
A new round of name-calling erupted Monday between copyright lawsuit filer Righthaven LLC of Las Vegas and one of its creditors.

Righthaven, the copyright enforcement partner of the Las Vegas Review-Journal and formerly of the Denver Post, has for months been in survival mode as it tries to block creditors from seizing its assets. Creditors -- including people sued by Righthaven for copyright infringement but who then defeated Righthaven in court -- have won $216,335 in judgments against Righthaven. That's money they spent on legal fees successfully fighting Righthaven.

In the latest round of legal wrangling, Righthaven filed motions in federal court in Las Vegas on Monday complaining about what it called the "scorched earth judgment enforcement efforts"
you'd know
of Righthaven defendant Wayne Hoehn and his attorneys.

After on June 20 winning dismissal of the Righthaven lawsuit against him -- alleging infringement of a copyright for a Review-Journal column -- Hoehn was awarded $34,045 in legal fees against Righthaven on Aug. 15.

The $63,720 writ of execution also was included in Randazza's successful request that a receiver be appointed to auction Righthaven's property, including its copyrights, trademark and website domain name.

So far, the receiver has seized and auctioned the website for $3,300 but has said Righthaven has been uncooperative in turning over the trademark and copyrights.
I'm just shocked! Hooda thunk it?
As Glenn says, "Make the rubble bounce."
Posted by: Barbara 2012-01-10