
Hillary: I Know About Being Commander-in-Chief
Thinking -- who was President and who gutted our armed forces?
New York Sen. Hillary Clinton said Sunday that House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi was right to say that President Bush "has on his shoulders the death of many more [U.S.] troops" because of his military misjudgments, explaining, "I know a little bit about" being Commander-in-Chief. "Any Commander-in-Chief bears that responsibility," she told "Fox News Sunday." "It’s an awesome, unbelievably overwhelming responsibility. I know a little bit about that."

Clinton also seconded Pelosi’s charge that Bush was incompetent, defending her own comments to NBC last week that the president had demonstrated "a pattern and practice of misjudgments that add up to incompetence and lack of credibility." "I have to say, I’ve been very disappointed at many of the decisions along the way implementing the judgment of the administration," she told Fox.

Sen. Clinton said that U.S. troop cutbacks had left the U.S. unable to deal simultaneously with the Iraq war and its global defense commitments. "We have to face the fact that we need a larger active duty military," she told Fox. "We cannot continue to stretch our troops, both active duty, Guard and Reserve, to the breaking point, which is what we’re doing now." During her husband’s administration, U.S. troop strength was cut back from 18 active duty divisions to ten. Sen. Clinton painted a grim picture of U.S. prospects in Iraq, saying, "We have lot of trouble - everybody knows that. My hope is that we can work our way out of the trouble we’re in."
Posted by: Sherry 2004-05-23