
Pearl Case: Omar Sheikh trial adjourns
  • The trial of Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and three alleged accomplices for the murder of US reporter Daniel Pearl was adjourned on Friday shortly after starting, a lawyer said. Defence lawyer Khawaja Naveed said the trial, in the main jail in the southern Pakistani port city of Karachi, had been delayed for a week after the defence asked to see key evidence.

    The court also issued a formal arrest warrant against seven other alleged accomplices who police say remain on the run. "The formal indictment will be on April 12 and the court has been adjourned until then," Naveed told reporters, who have been barred from attending the hearing.

    Naveed said one of the accused, Salman Saquib, had complained to the judge that he had been tortured during police custody and was assigned a doctor. "Sheikh Omar was silent during the whole proceedings, he was very calm and very quiet," Naveed said. "But Salman Saquib shouted that he was tortured during the investigation, saying police slapped him at least 50 times and hit him in the face with shoes."
    The rubber hoses were at the cleaners'.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-04-05
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3375