
Project Gunwalker: Jan 24 Hearing -- Cunningham to Invoke the Fifth
Patrick Cunningham, chief of the criminal division of the U.S. Attorney’s office in Phoenix, will invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination during a deposition scheduled Tuesday with Congressional investigators.

The other night, Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold, a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, appeared as a guest on Fox News’ Lou Dodds Program. He was not sympathetic to Cunningham’s situation.
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“It’s an absolutely stunning revelation. This man is a government employee being asked to testify before his bosses, the hard-working American taxpayers.”— Congressman Blake Farenthold

“You take the Fifth when you are about to be charged with a crime or are potentially guilty of a crime.”—Congressman Blake Farenthold

Cunningham’s announcement marks the first time in the year-long investigation of Operation Fast and Furious that someone has invoked the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. Many believe it was due to happen sooner or later.

It is fair to question why Cunningham believes he may self-incriminate by answering questions, or what he may know that could be subsequently used against him in a court of law. Others have come forward from the beginning; people whose careers have been damaged because they blew the whistle.

In less than two weeks, Attorney General Eric Holder is scheduled to testify before the House Oversight Committee, chaired by California Congressman Darrell Issa. It would not be unfair to speculate just what it is that Cunningham will not discuss that might have steered questions to Holder by Issa, Farenthold and their colleagues.

What appears to be on Farenthold’s mind, as well as many others, is the lesson learned from Watergate almost 40 years ago.
“The truth always bubbles up in these issues and these facts, and it just takes a while to get there sometimes. I’m frustrated with how long it is taking to get there, but again, you’ve got a cover-up and everyone knows in Washington it’s the cover-up that gets you.”—Congressman Blake Farenthold

Posted by: Sherry 2012-01-23