
Senator Lamar Smith (R) Strikes Again
Senator Lamar Smith, lead sponsor of the currently dead SOPA bill you've heard so much about, has another bill in the works that uses Child Pr0nography as a screen to push through an amendment that'll have your internet service provider tracking all of your financial dealings online.

Each time you use a credit card, each time you read your bank statement, all of your IP information and your search history will be required by your ISP to be stored for 18 months at all times. This bill is H.R. 1981 and will have more dire consequences than SOPA or PIPA ever had the potential to have.
This senator needs to be out of office and behind bars.
First off, he's a congressman, 21st district of Texas. If Slashgear can't get that right, why should I believe anything else they have to say?
Posted by: Anonymoose 2012-01-24