
Most Disagree with O's Keystone Pipeline Decision
More than half of likely voters disagree with President Obama's decision to deny a permit for the construction of the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline, according to The Hill Poll.

Seventy-five percent of Republicans, 69 percent of conservatives and slightly more than half of centrists disagreed with Obama's decision, the poll found.

But environmentalists -- many of whom have been disappointed by Obama's tenure thus far -- praised his decision, saying the project was risky and would have increased global warming.
If all the environmentalist just died, there would be a reduction is global warming. As long as their residual carbon was interred, of course!
Fifty-seven percent of liberals and 54 percent of Democrats in the poll supported Obama's choice.
Waitaminute! Does this mean that most enviros are into control of everyone by the all-powerful state, run by our betters? (democrats, that is.)
Posted by: Bobby 2012-01-25