
Brussels to take control of taxation and spending in eurozone countries
This should be fun, a bloodless Anschluss of Europe. I'll have of whatever the EU politicians are smoking. It certainly causes weird behavior.
The European Union is to gain dramatic powers to control tax and spending in crisis-hit eurozone countries under a deal to save the currency. The EU will have to agree the national budgets of heavily indebted countries under a deal to be signed tomorrow at a summit in Brussels attended by David Cameron.

The move will mean Greece losing control over its own budget, after Germany and the International Monetary Fund laid down increasingly harsh conditions for the indebted nation to receive its second £100 billion eurozone bail-out.

With the country on the brink of default, Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF, yesterday revealed that a "fiscal compact" was set to be signed by European Union leaders at their summit tomorrow.

The move to closer integration between the eurozone economies comes just days before Tory Euro-sceptics launch a campaign to repatriate powers over policing and justice already handed to the European Union.

Conservative MPs will put pressure on the Prime Minister to harness a "block opt-out" that will allow Britain simultaneously to withdraw from European Arrest Warrants, compulsory sharing of data with other police forces, and more than 100 other laws handed to Brussels.
Posted by: tipper 2012-01-29