
Swedish Moose Runs Off With Bicycle
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The massive moose didn’t take it for a joyride, but she did run off with Bjoern and Monica Helamb’s bicycle, the couple said Monday. The married couple was ready for the moose, which has visited their yard in Vuoggatjalme in northern Sweden annually since 1995 to snack on their roses. This year, though, they put their bicycle in front of the flowers in a bid to protect them. "So we thought we would at least protect our favorite roses from her appetite by making it harder for her to get to them," Bojern Helamb told The Associated Press.

It didn’t help. The moose, dubbed "Droopy Ear" because of her deformed ears, slid her head through the bike’s frame and munched on the roses last week, sating her appetite with a flowery feast. "Then she disappeared, with the bike hanging around her neck," Helamb said. He found the bike later, about 1,640 feet from the house, bent apart and beyond repair. Despite purloining the bicycle, Droopy Ear came back over the weekend for roses, but was chased away by the couple.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-05-24