
Homegrown jihad in Australia
Long, detailed article, well worth reading
Twenty-one violent jihadis have been convicted and jailed over the past six years in a series of court cases which put a new home-grown brand of Australian terrorism on display after operations Pendennis and Neath, the two biggest joint ASIO-police investigations ever. These culminated in December with 13½-year prison sentences for the Neath targets, Wissam Mahmoud Fattal, Saney Edow Aweys and Nayev El Sayed, over their Holsworthy plan. Part of their motivation was fury over the jailing of the 18 men netted by Pendennis.
And to help them while away the long, slow years they can ponder what a brilliantly effective idea that was.
The 21 men and their accomplices forever changed the country, not with bombs or heavy artillery destroying a symbolic site as they had planned. Instead, they have revolutionized counter-terrorism in Australia.
Posted by: ryuge 2012-02-04