
Rewards offered for infidels...
  • Taliban and al-Qaida supporters in Afghanistan are offering rewards of up to $100,000 for capturing or killing Westerners, U.S. Army officials said Friday. Pamphlets slipped under people's doors during the night promise $50,000 for any Westerner delivered dead, and double that for people taken alive, said Maj. Iris Hurd, an officer with the Army's Information Operations division. The pamphlets, known in Afghanistan as "night letters," also threaten Afghans with violence if they support the coalition troops or the interim administration of Hamid Karzai, Hurd said.
    Oh yeah, right. And where does the Murderous Entrepreneur go to collect his reward? That info's not on the night letter. Can't be to a bank -- there aren't any in Afghanistan. And how does the ME prove he's killed an American? Drag his corpse around for days like the headless calf in Afghanistan's national sport until he finds the rewarder? A body part you say? "Bring in an American ear, they're distinctive!" I suppose the tattooed are targets of choice.

    Posted by Anonymous 4/7/2002 12:28:43 PM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-04-06
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3398