
Kerry Campaign Takes Off in New Plane [bound for new heights of arrogance]
Hat tip to Drudge for the photo. I thought I saw what I saw the other day, but couldn’t get a good link to a photo to confirm. Is this the height of arrogance or what? This idiot is not president, and he doesn’t talk to world leaders like he says -- IMO, he is just a deluded narcissist!
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry launched his new campaign plane Tuesday and poked fun at himself, joking that "in the event of an emergency, my hair can be used as a flotation device."
Or, he could just stuff the hair in his mouth and STFU
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A picture is worth a thousand words, isn’t it?

Launching the plane, which has his name and "President" emblazoned on its side, Kerry reminisced about watching airplanes ferrying U.S. troops during the Vietnam War. "We looked at those planes, and they gained a nickname. They were called freedom birds, and everybody counted the days until we got to get on our freedom bird," he said. "This is my freedom bird."
Gee, golly, gosh, JFK! Didja ever look at an airplane when you weren't in Vietnam? I mean, having only been there for four months, you couldn't have really seen that many of them...
But it’s not about what a war hero I am . . . This tripe needs to be shut down and condemned. We are at war damn it! And this bozo is playing traitor over the WOT, just like he did with Vietnam, just to gain political talking points.
Posted by: cingold 2004-05-26